Thursday, July 17, 2008

Stellanova Magnetic Levitating Globe


Harnessing the power of Castle Grayskull, the manufacturers of this desk globe have created a levitating world. Coincidentally, you too can harness this power by simply plugging your Magnetic Levitating Globe into a standard electrical outlet.

Levitating Globe - $ 39.95

From: Vat19

Powerful magnets at the top and bottom of the globe allow it to suspend gracefully in mid-air.

Magnetic Levitating Globe

Floating desktop globe is a great desk accessory.

How the floating globe works

It's a simple premise: put magnets of opposite poles on the top and bottom of the globe. Their forces should cancel out and the globe will levitate. The theory is great except that it would require a globe that is perfectly spherical and with a completely uniform distribution of weight. Basically, this would require a magnetic levitating globe created by NASA engineers using $15,000 hammers.

The next logical step is to create magnets that can adjust their forces based upon changing conditions. For instance, if there's a little wind in the room that forces the globe in one direction or pushes it slightly up or down, the magnets could adjust their forces and keep everything balanced.

That's exactly what the Magnetic Levitating Globe does. In the top of the frame, there is a sensor that measures the magnetic field to measure the height at which the globe is suspended. In the bottom of the base, there is a microcomputer that adjusts an electronic magnet in the upper part of the frame in order to maintain suspension.

Yes, you can give it a spin

Add a magnetic floating globe to your desktop.

The magnetic Levitating Globe is fairly robust in terms of maintaining its suspension. However, it's not suspended by invisible steel cables. It's floating. So, yes, you can give it small nudges with the tip of an eraser so that it rotates freely. But, you can't smack it with your hand and expect the globe to stay floating.

Features & specs:

  • Approx. 12" tall (including frame)
  • Computer controlled levitation
  • Comes with an AC adapter
Buy One?

Levitating Globe - $ 39.95

From: Vat19