Wednesday, July 16, 2008

SwissPen X-1 Multi-Function Executive Pen


The SwissPen is one of the smoothest and most durable pens we've ever used. It's also one of the few pens that includes a map light, scissors, screwdriver, nail file, and knife/letter opener and doesn't weigh 15 lbs. It's sleek and perfectly balanced. It also writes upside down, under water, and is water resistant (even salt water).

SwissPen X-1 Multi-Function Pen - $ 49.95

From: Vat19

Basically, this is one of the most awesome pens we've ever seen.

Killer features make the SwissPen the perfect pen

A lot of multi-function or multi-purpose pens have great intentions, but poor execution. The SwissPen X-1 is not one of those pens. It features useful functions (such as a small map light and scissors), but not completely useless functions like 120v to 220v adapters.

SwissPen X-1 multi-function diagram
Compact design coupled with useful features = awesomeness.

Perfect balance makes writing comfortable and easy

Most pens that do more than simply write are usually bulky and poorly balanced. Most of the "extras" are shoved up in the top of the pen and writing with them is kind of like trying to write with a pencil with a five pound eraser.

SwissPen features perfect balance.
A properly balanced pen is easier and more comfortable to write with.

Pressurized ink was designed for NASA

The pressurized ink used in the SwissPen can write for 3.5 miles before requiring a refill. That's a lot of note-passing. This ink can also be used to write upside down, underwater, and in ridiculously extreme conditions like the desert and the arctic.

The pressurized ink of the SwissPen X-1 will write for 3.5 miles before requiring replacement.

Of course it writes upside down

Being able to write upside down, at first glance, doesn't seem that important. However, remember that writing vertically (such as up against a wall) is now no longer a problem. Most pens can't even do that. So, while being able to write while lying on your back probably isn't a big concern, being able to write on a piece of paper while propped up against a door is pretty darned useful.

SwissPen X-1 pressurized ink writes upside down.
The SwissPen X-1 can write upside down.

Small LED functions as a great map light

The small light in the SwissPen can run for 12 hours continuously without requiring a new battery. A battery is included with your SwissPen.

SwissPen has a map light.
Simply press the Swiss logo on the SwissPen to turn on the light.

Features & specs:

  • Perfectly balanced
  • Pressurized ink designed for NASA
  • Writes upside down and underwater
  • Knife / nail file
  • Scissors
  • Light will run for 12 hours of continuous use
  • Screwdriver
  • Smooth twist-action for opening and closing
  • Weighs just 1.6 oz
Buy One?

SwissPen X-1 Multi-Function Pen - $ 49.95

From: Vat19