Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Wind Chime Alarm Clock


Wind Chime Alarm Clock - $ 19.95

From: Vat19

The Wind Chime Alarm Clock combines punctuality with the sound of metal pipes clinking against each other. Hmm, that description doesn't quite do the product justice.

Wind Chime Alarm Clock - $ 19.95

From: Vat19

The Wind Chime Alarm Clock features 12-hour and 24-hour clocks, the date, a stopwatch function, and two different alarm modes. You can wake up to the sound of electronic beeping or to the gentle sounds of wind chimes. We choose the latter. You can also set the wind chimes to chime continuously, although this will drain the batteries fairly quickly. Chime, on, party people. Chime on.

Wind Chime Alarm Clock: close-up of display

Wind Chime Alarm Clock

The newly redesigned Wind Chime Alarm Clock features 10 bars.

We like wind chimes. And we like clocks.

OK, confession. We prefer watches to clocks, but we found the wind chime wristwatch to be a real pain in the butt when trying to ninja-sneak on people in the office during our AirZooka battles (like it or not, that was a pretty good cross-promo).

Rear view of the Wind Chime Alarm Clock

The Wind Chime Alarm Clock uses batteries or AC power.
Wind Chime Alarm Clock requires 3 AAA batteries (not included).
Optionally, you can use AC power (not included).

The Wind Chime Alarm Clock is not all hot air

This super-cool wind chime alarm clock features the following:

  • Multiple alarms
    • Option to wake to a traditional alarm sound or the sound of the wind chimes
  • Snooze button (as if you can sell an alarm clock without it)
  • LCD display with backlight: It just looks cool.
  • Stop watch: While the stop watch is an incredibly cool invention because it allows us to determine how long it takes people to run 100 meters, we still can't quite figure out why you'd want it for an alarm clock. How many times have you needed to accurately time something from the comfort of your bed? Don't let your dirty mind linger on that. Just move along to the next feature.
  • Continuous operation: You can just flick the switch to 'on' and rock out to the wind chimes. However, this will probably run the batteries down fairly quickly. A more cost effective solution would be to purchase our Ambient Windchimes CD (hey, face it, you're on an e-commerce site).
  • AC power (not included): If you don't want to use batteries, there is an optional AC input. The cable isn't included.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Wind Chime Alarm Clock

Are batteries included with the Wind Chime Alarm Clock?

Did they ask Edison if batteries were included with the first lightbulb? Well, who knows. But, seriously, it's an alarm clock that activates wind chimes when you need to wake up! It's so cool who cares if it needs batteries. OK, it uses 3 AAA batteries which are not included. We're sure you've got a few lying around.

Do the wind chimes actually make noise?

Yes. There is a small rotating mechanism underneath the chimes that causes them to make contact with a metal bar.

How big is the Wind Chime Alarm Clock?

It is 8 inches tall and about 5 inches wide. The Wind Chime Alarm Clock's small footprint makes it perfect for even the smallest nightstands.

I can't get the wind chimes to activate as an "alarm"?

We've gotten a few emails from people having trouble getting their windchimes to start making noise after they've set the alarm. Once you've set the alarm, make sure you flip the switch to "auto" and not "alarm". The "alarm" switch makes a beeping noise whereas the "auto" selection initiates the wind chimes. Also, make sure you've got your AM and PM settings correct and that the alarm "icon" is visible when you return to the "real time" mode.

Features & specs:

  • 12 and 24 hour clocks
  • Date
  • Stopwatch function
  • 2 alarm modes
Buy one?

Wind Chime Alarm Clock - $ 19.95

From: Vat19
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