Monday, August 4, 2008

Banana Bunker


The Banana Bunker is a flexible, plastic device that prevents your bananas from being bruised.

Banana Bunker - $ 4.95

From: Vat19

It fits almost any size banana due to its innovative design featuring open end caps (to allow thin ends to stick out) and a flexible and detachable mid-section.

While we admit that it looks a little strange, the Banana Bunker works very well. And let's face it, the alternative to a slightly strange Banana Bunker is crushed banana all over your valuables. Ewww.

It's not a condom...but it does protect bananas.

We understand that many people's dirty little minds go into overdrive when they see the Banana Bunker. So, we figured we'd address that issue immediately, have a little chuckle, and then move on with our serious banana business.

Banana Bunker protects against bruised bananas.
Carry bananas in your purse or backpack without fear of bruising.

Unique design ensures Universal Banana Healthcare Coverage

Step 1: Bend flexible bottom half to match curve of your banana

The Banana Bunker consists of two parts. Bend the flexible bottom half of the Banana Bunker to match the curve of your banana.

Bend the flexible bottom half of the Banana Bunker to match the curve of your banana.
Plastic: Tough, yet flexible. Perfect for B-a-n-a-n-a-s.

Step 2: Insert your banana into the bottom half

Once you've bent the flexible bottom part of the Banana Bunker to match the curve of your banana, insert it into the Banana Bunker.

Banana Bunker's two-part design ensures protection from bruising for all types of bananas.
The flexible
Banana Bunker can accomodate almost any type of banana. Holes at each end allow for banana spillover.

Step 3: Add the top half of the Banana Bunker

Your final step is to add the top half of the Banana Bunker. Your banana is now safe!

Add the top half of the Banana Bunker to complete insertion.
Add the top half of the
Banana Bunker to complete the protection of your banana.

Banana Bunker protects nearly any size of banana

The Banana Bunker's open ends allow extra long bananas to poke out, but still receive protection for the bulk of the banana. Simple, yes. Crucial to proper banana protection? Most definitely.

The Banana Bunker has open ends so that it can fix bananas of nearly any length.
As we all know, not all bananas are the same size. The
Banana Bunker gracefully accomodates all sizes.

Flexible tubing fits nearly all degrees of curvature

The central section of the Banana Bunker is made from flexible tubing. It can be left nearly straight and bend to almost a 45 degree angle. That allows the Banana Bunker to handle even the most curved bananas.

Banana Bunker's flexible tubing accomodates nearly any degree of curvature.
Flexible, yet tough. The
Banana Bunker can handle bananas of nearly any degree of curve.

Features & specs:

  • Protects nearly any size banana
  • Tough, flexible housing
Buy one?

Banana Bunker - $ 4.95

From: Vat19