Saturday, August 2, 2008

Notebook and Pencil


The Notebook and Pencil is the perfect gift for anyone who constantly jots down notes -- or should! We've all had that moment when we needed to write something down and didn't have a pen or pencil.

Notebook and Pencil - $ 14.95

From: Vat19

The Notebook and Pencil solves that problem by embedding the pencil inside the notebook. Notebook and Pencil includes 100 vanilla pages with 10mm grids.

Because paper is useless without a pencil...and vice versa

A long, long time ago someone chopped down a tree (it screamed in agony) and made a log cabin. Inside of that log cabin a man came up with the brilliant idea to create a notebook with permanent storage for a pencil.

Notebook and Pencil is a 100 page notebook with a built-in space for holding a writing utensil.
Notebook and Pencil does not include storage for your cheaters (aka glasses).

If given as a gift, the cool packaging makes you look oh-so-thoughtful

If someone complains that the Notebook & Pencil you gave them for their birthday is simply 100 blank pieces of paper, quickly respond: "Hey, sport, go ahead and write down what you want next year on a piece of your your Notebook & Pencil and carrier pigeon it on over to 678 Niner Street, you prize jerk."

Give the Notebook & Pencil as a gift.
Great concept + Great Looks = 4.

Elastic band keeps your Notebook & Pencil closed

Yes, the Notebook and Pencil elastic band can be worn as a headband. It can also be used to hold your Notebook & Pencil shut. Either way, you're still better off for having it.

In case you were wondering: do not shoot the elastic band at your co-workers. That wouldn't be any fun at all. We also don't suggest purchasing the USB Missile Launcher and absolutely defiling your cube-mate's Cathy comic strips. That wouldn't make you awesome at all. (We wish there was a way to denote sarcasm in text. Even if there was, though, we wouldn't need it on our site. We were just curious.)

The elastic band of the Notebook & Pencil keeps prying eyes out of your shameful thoughts.
Keep your shameful secrets closed from prying eyes.

In case you didn't believe can wear it as a headband

Not only can you wear the Notebook & Pencil elastic band as a headband, you can also use it to pen your latest rhymes. So, kill two birds with one stone with the Notebook and Pencil.

This is how I roll with the Notebook & Pencil
So my bling is fake, big deal.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Can I store a pen instead of a pencil in the Notebook and Pencil?

Answer: Sure, as long as it will fit. The storage area is 5.875" high and 3/8" wide.

Question: What happens if I tear out all of the paper? How will I store my pencil?

Answer: Our question for you would be, "If you have no paper, why do you even need a pencil?"

Question: What about the area of the paper that has been removed in order to create storage for the pencil?

Answer: Don't worry, that paper has gone to paper heaven. Seriously, write on the other 94% of the paper that is still there. I'm sure you don't have that many awesome thoughts.

Features & specs:

  • 5.5" x 7.5"
  • 100 vanilla-colored pages
  • 10mm grid lines
  • Pencil included
  • Elastic strap to hold notebook closed
Buy one?

Notebook and Pencil - $ 14.95

From: Vat19